Labels:text | screenshot | slot machine OCR: MIRCH warrant application LEV 43 STOP 6:00 Select one item from each column, then enter Application Suspect Alibi Status Motive Weapon Time Cynthia Rhodes Confirmed by interested party Money/ business Kitchen knife 6 PM sharp Stella Gibbs High-powered Time discrepency w/ paint crew & waitstaff Anger Between 5 & 7 Rifle Jason Turley Anomaly w/times on health club sign-in sheet Love Rope Around 4 PM Sexual Amos Johnson Can't be confirmed, was alone driving Hands Sometime after 6:30 PM Obsession Margaret Hardin Confirmed only by employees Hatred A club of some sort After Midnight Confirmed Al Ciprano Pride Nicotine At or around 6 PM circumstantially only Fred Kinsella Can't be confirmed was alone Temporary Insanity Antique pistol Early evening Braxton Smith To defend honor Arsenic Edward Talimen Enter Application